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End of challenge

In many ways it was the worst possible week for me to attempt to do this challenge, as I was on the road a lot and often far into the evenings, so I had very little time to 'walk off' my water usage.  BUT if you live in rural Uganda and you have to walk 6km for every bucket of water, that's your priority and I guess that's the real point here.  We have the luxury of jobs that pay for decent lifestyles and resources like water literally on tap so we can just get on with the job and family/social life etc.  Our Ugandan friend is so busy using up her time to deal with the basics of keeping her family alive, not to mention the physical effort of carrying such a heavy weight all that way, each and every day, that things like a job and extra money are unimaginable luxuries.

So how did I do?  Poorly.  I used at least 400 litres of water, for which I should have walked 40km, and probably did about half of that in the week.  But I'm not feeling too bad about it because failing the Poverty Challenge actually makes the point more clearly - life in the developing world is hard and we would look pretty foolish trying to work as hard and cope with that level of responsibility.  I definitely have a new appreciation of just one aspect of this problem, and hope we can all help to make this world a fairer, more equitable place.

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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing