Welcome to The 'What does poverty mean to you?' Challenge Blogsite - a North of England project supported by Oxfam
Join the Conversation - Care - Challenge - Change.
This week almost 100 people across the North of England will challenge themselves and their ideas about poverty. They will find out if they have what it takes to put themselves in the shoes of people who, every day, have to make really tough choices to get by. Choices that are very often dictated by their environment and by political decisions made by others. Choices that also testify the creativity, resilience and 'toughness' of the human spirit.
'What does poverty mean to you?' is an online and offline experiment that is taking place across the North of England between 1st and 7th November. Nearly 100 people have decided that, for a week, they are taking on a challenge that, to them, symbolises poverty or is associated with it. They will talk about it with friends and family, they will blog about it, and they will ask their MPs to join their online debate and challenge them about what they are actually doing to eradicate poverty. And by doing all this, they are hoping to start bringing change.
• Yourself - by exploring your ideas and opinions about poverty in a concrete way;
• Others - by sharing your experience and being prepared to discuss it online through blogging;
• Your MP - by asking and pushing for specific answers about how they can contribute to eradicate poverty.
What do you think? Join the conversation - and join the push for positive change!
Recent Posts

Day 7- Reflections and thoughts
So with my week of women taking ownership of my choices ending rather tamely, I will use this, the last of my blogs to try and reflect on the week gone by. Why has&nb...more

The Finish Line
The Finish Line: Infuriatingly, my laptop stopped working this week. I was livid....more

Meeting with Emma Wass
This week we were interviewed by Emma Wass from Sheffield Live radio station (93.2) on her communities live show. We chatted about the poverty challenge and how it affected us. Hopefully another...more

Better Late than Never
I know this is an extremely late entry about my views on the challenge I undertook, however - 730 am on a Thursday morning seems perfect. I sensed a feeling of relief amongst my fa...more

And so it ends!
Although the last week has been challenging, it has also been enjoyable and enlightening! Over the past week I have learnt a number of things about the way I live my life and the way I can chang...more

Opinion withdrawal symptoms
I have been able to give my opinion now for a couple of days and I still feel a bit stunted in my approach to what I can say. I am very glad that the challenge has ended but it has given m...more
My ultimate realisation: poverty is not a statistic
At the beginning of my challenge if you asked what me what I knew about poverty and what it meant to me, I would probably have recited the statistic that 1.4 billion people are today living in p...more
End of challenge
In many ways it was the worst possible week for me to attempt to do this challenge, as I was on the road a lot and often far into the evenings, so I had very little time to walk off my water u...more

The end.
First day of normality today and the freedom just felt amazing! I m so glad to be back to being able to eat when I am hungry and what I want. But this challenge has definately taught me a lot ab...more

Poverty challenge finishes
So this is the end of the poverty challenge week, and although I did crack once, it s not been the easiest thing I ve ever done! Lots of travelling, working and general living have been made so ...more

End of the week
So we ve come to the end of the poverty challenge week, thank you for reading and commenting! I can t pretend that this week has been anything like living in poverty, but it did raise in...more

Life is Hard in Poverty
Life in poverty is hardest when those around you have what they desire, you do not have the basics. I think personally at least 1% of our GDP should go to combating poverty. Ideally ...more

All our hands together can make a difference!
Staff and pupils at Dore Primary have made it! We had a great Oxfam assembly to sum up the week, to remind children why we re doing the challenge and to celebrate their success. We had over 40 c...more

'Wat-er' week
For the last seven days I have drank nothing but water and its not been easy! I neglected the quality of my work by declining performance enhancing caffeine and rejected inflated priced alcohol ...more

Days 2 and 3
After a gruelling first day I changed tactic slightly. Yes thats right, I cheated. I started days 2 and 3 with a banana for breakfast, hoping to give myself enough energy to ensur...more

So glad thats over!
So I stupidly watched paranormal activity last night, there were lots of weird noises outside my tent, and people walking past, including a big scary sounding guy with a big scary sounding dog. ...more

Ending one campaign (for now) and off to the next..!
So the week has gone- ever so quickly may I add. I am going to walk 4 miles tomorrow as well since I missed doing it on Tuesday and feel guilty so would like to do the same as everyone else and ...more

(well, in less than 10 minutes - but my feet are tucked up in bed) I am exhausted and need to get to sleep so my summary of the week will be written tomorrow. However I will say this, I ...more
Final Ruminations
Who knew I had the willpower to resist food temptation for a whole week?! As this challenge draws to an end, I can honestly say that it has been a worthwhile and rewarding experience. In...more