So glad thats over!
So I stupidly watched paranormal activity last night, there were lots of weird noises outside my tent, and people walking past, including a big scary sounding guy with a big scary sounding dog. Imagining there were footsteps in the leaves just outside my tent kept me awake for awhile. When I finally did get to sleep it didn't last long, the wind woke me up at around 1 and it turns out (for all those who have been so smug since I've moved my tent) that the front yard really isn't much better than the back yard. Even with this new fancy tent! It's got some sorta fancy poles that won't snap, but that doesn't stop them bending in the wind, at one point it got blown to inches from my face! I was really worried the tent would tear where I was holding it down with rocks, and as I borrowed the tent I was pretty worried about it, was tempted to take it down and sleep inside, but I wouldn't have been able to get it down without it breaking it in that wind. Then there was the rain as well, for the first time the tent leaked, not due to any issue with the tent (don't worry Joe it's fine), but because it wasn't pegged out properly (because I couldn't put pegs in the yard). I managed to stay dry and warm in my many layers but this morning I found that I was surrounded by puddles (tried to take a picture but the light in the tent wasn't good enough) and my pillow was soaked. I hope that all makes sense, I'm soo tired from another bad nights sleep and now I'm off to Oxford for the week.... Hope you have all enjoyed your challenges, I think I have on the whole. It's definately made me realise that people in poverty who perhaps don't appear to be in really bad situations (I didn't think living in a tent was that bad) are actually just so much more vulnerable to things like severe weather. This is why I think that us wealthy people should make a real effort to stop climate change, our actions have repercussions around the world.
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- Posted by:HeatherMack
It's very, very cold!
Well last night I was exhausted again, got an early night and slept really well, it's freezing out but as long as I wrap up in a couple of blankets and sleeping bag and don't move to much it's ok. I'm looking forward to tonight being my last night, unfortunately I'm away all week so won't be back in my own bed for a while.
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- Posted by:HeatherMack
Back out in the tent
After being exhausted all week I collapsed in my tent last night, I don't know if the fireworks were still going, if so I didn't notice, and the traffic obviously wasn't as loud as I thought because I slept exceptionally well. Except for it getting a little chilly it was a very good night. I'm finding sleeping in a tent very practical as it means I can use my lovely big double bed as extra storage space. I think completely living in the tent would be a much better challenge, but I'm not sure I could face that at this time of year when it's dark at 4.30. Imagine having to live in the limited space of a tent for any length of time, being crammed in, normally with your whole family. I'm glad I have my nice comfortable house to escape too :D
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- Posted by:HeatherMack
New tent and new pitch!
I've managed to borrow a new tent which is much sturdier than mine, and I've even just found time when it was dry and light to put it up and it only took about 20 minutes, much easier than last time. I've now moved to the front yard, although the traffic and street noises will be very annoying it should be sheltered from the wind. However still had the same peg placement issues, notice the tile holding it down? I was really upset when I thought I may have to give up on this challenge, after a night inside I'm definately ready to go back out and brave the elements, the wind should be dropping this weekend but so will the temperature. So far I've been nice and warm so this will be a new challenge.
Also got scratched to peices putting the tent up :(
Many people have commented I should have put my tent in the front garden to begin with as it's much more sheltered, and now I can see it makes much more sense. But like many in poverty I was thrown into a situation I hadn't considered much so perhaps didn't have the necessary skills to begin with, and like many people in poverty I've had to adapt to improve my situation. In the real world these adaptations would need to be much bigger and more significant and understandably need external help.
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- Posted by:HeatherMack
Disaster strikes again!
I arrive home from an exhausting day at work (there had been a leak and the ceiling tiles had disintergrated and fallen down!!) To find the wind has won yet again, it's getting slightly ridiculous now, another pole has snapped, but this time right in the middle, therefore I'm unable to fix it with pegs and fit the tent on it, and I think I have generally admitted defeat. Wind 3, tent 0. I think my tent is a complete write off, and my garden gate (hope the landlord doesn't mind as it was kinda my fault for trying to keep it shut in ridiculously strong winds). I'm generally exhausted and can't face spending a long period of time in the wind and the rain attempting to fix it again, I have a day off tomorrow so perhaps I will try again then.
I'm not going to give up on the challenge tonight though, I have a cellar, a particuarly disgusting one, concrete floor and walls, actual water on the floor, and probably rats (well hopefully not). It's full of general crap, see below for a particularly bad picture, sorry about the quality it's pretty dark down there. I'm now going to sleep down there, with just a thin matt under me. Does this sound like a fair substitute challenge?
I'm really sorry guys and well done all of you for sticking with your challenges.
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- Posted by:HeatherMack