(well, in less than 10 minutes - but my feet are tucked up in bed)
I am exhausted and need to get to sleep so my summary of the week will be written tomorrow. However I will say this, I have never before been so excited about the prospect of shoes. I don't mean a new, expensive pair or anything like that... no, no just something on my feet!
Until then...
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Penultimate Day
This morning was a beautiful, chilly, autumnal morning. The temperature of the ground made my feet ache but it was hard not to appreciate the sun and the freshness of the air. I had a guy come up to me and ask me if I'd had a rough night last night, referring to my barefootedness (I hope) which was funny and of course a perfect opportunity to explain the challenge.
Today I started volunteering at an Anti-Racism youth group where my sign and feet got the kids talking about their ideas of poverty. It was cool to hear what they thought and which aspect of poverty they would live for a week if they were doing the challenge. One young boy had obviously been very affected by the sight of a homeless man eating at scraps of food from a bin.
In keeping with the theme this Oxfam article perfectly links poverty and discrimination...
One more day of bare feet for me but there is still soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much that has to be (and CAN BE) done for the 1.5 billion living in poverty.
Spread the word about the Robin Hood Tax proposal.
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- Posted by:KatieMilner-Mcloone
Mid-Week Blues (feet)
I'm now just over halfway through the challenge and so far...
- I have told A LOT of people about the challenge and the work that Oxfam is doing and had many interesting conversations.
- I have experienced walking barefoot in the morning, afternoon and night, in rain, wind and (a tiny bit of) shine.
- I have some delightful blisters on my feet.
- I have received a lot of funny looks and second glances (although the sign addition has helped to explain my craziness)
- I have received a lot of support from my friends, family, friends of friends, friends of family and fellow challengers.
- Through this support we have already raised 212.91
- I have gained an insight into other aspects of poverty from reading the Oxfam Challenge blogs.
And now I am very tired and a little sore. Never before have I thought about the term, "leading a comfortable lifestyle"/ "having a comfortable life" so literally. Poverty amongst so many other things is extreme discomfort.
So on a lighter note, whilst walking home for uni I came across this sight - an abandoned pair of trainers on the footpath. Very relevant and luckily, thanks to the challenge, I had my camera with me to capture this slightly peculiar scene... Has somebody decided to join me barefoot?!?
Check this website out, they're great!
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- Posted by:KatieMilner-Mcloone
Dia Tres.
The support that I've been receiving through both comments and donations is incredible! So I'd like to thank everybody who has contributed in some way. It is so encouraging and very much appreciated.The power of the internet is mighty impressive considering how far word of this challenge has spread in only 3 just goes to show the potential we possess to really make a difference...
So on to day 3.
Contrary to what I had thought prior to beginning the challenge, I am actually finding it harder as the days go on. There is no point in complaining, I just have to get on with it. But walking home tonight, choosing every step carefully I felt as though my soul was being drained. It is physically but also and perhaps more importantly, mentally debilitating to live without shoes.
I have always thought of shoes in terms of fashion and style (and I am sure I'm not alone in that) Let's put it like this, although I am far from being a shoe obsessed girl as stereotyped on TV and films, I would say I definitely own a good 10 pairs. Now I see them for what they essentially are - protection for your feet and I realise the difference they make, regardless of style or brand.
For me poverty means living without even the most basic of means.
Speaking of simple things making a big impact, I'm including a link to Oxfam's information about the proposed Robin Hood Tax for everyone to consider...
I'll sign off now with a couple of pictures from my third day of the challenge (check out the sign!)
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Day 2. Pictures Speak Louder than Words
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- Posted by:KatieMilner-Mcloone