Let the beans commence.

For a start, i don't like beans.

But this morning, after a night of dodgy halloween cocktails and drunken shennanigans, beans first thing for breakfast are just a bit wrong.I awoke, slightly blurry and grabbed my first can of beans for the week, feeling decidedly nauseous as i tipped the contents into a saucepan and lent against the kitchen worktop. Heinz baked beans with some hot toast, that would have been a different story.....but today i have already had two doses of plain beans, with no adonrments other than my hangover.

The rules of my challenge are pretty straight forward; half a cup of rice per day (a side for one of my meals), no condements allowed (so no salt, pepper, herbs) and no flavoured beans (heinz bakeed beans out of the question...im not getting away that lightly!). So it's just me and the beans this week.

I have just about prepared myself for the week ahead, my cupboards are stocked up with beans of every variety, kidney beans, green beans, pinto beans.... they're going to be my 'suprise' bean for the week as i have no idea what they are. I am sure they will taste the same as every other bean.

My housemate has also been joyously providing dietry information about the realm of beans at every waking moment, meticulously outlining the embarrising consequences of a bean diet, reporting lovingly the horrific effects they are going to be inducing on my body. I have knowlingly walked into this challenge at my own peril.

And so armed with canned supplies, extensive dietry research and determination, the beans have begun! Should be an interesting week.



Fiona Remnant
on  01 November 2010  at  17:34

Brilliant way to represent the basic way so many people have to live their lives... We are used to so much choice and variety. Good luck with the new diet!

on  02 November 2010  at  14:40

Oh dear - I hope the bean diet is going ok ... How does your housemate know so much about bean diets?

Looking forward to seeing some pictures of how you are getting on!

Please remember to put 'liverpool' in your keywords under your blog.

Good luck!!!

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