Get your Omelette and chips away from me!



Day 2 has been more difficult than expected.

Hunger and food bordem have already led me to perve on anything that is non bean/rice shaped. The fridge is an object of temptation. The rubbish sandwiches in the library cafe look ridiculously appealing. The smell of my housemates omelette and chips is sending me into a spiral of depression.

Although 7 days doesnt seem a very long time, when every meal you taste doesnt taste of ANYTHING....well it starts to seem a while. After beans for breakfast, and then for lunch, the anticipation of dinner is not too wild. Today infact, i had the reminents of last nights beans and rice that i packed in a geek lunchbox for todays breakfast and lunch, and although the carby combination is filling, i think im rather avoiding eating any more than i need, coz frankly it tastes bloody awful.

 I think i have also developed a strange sixth sense, as an inbuilt 'food-dar' has suddenly materialised from no where. My human capabilities of smell have heightened to inhuman proportions since taking on this bean test, and 'food possability' seems to be everywhere i look. A waft of chips from the Smithdown takeaway mile nearly stops me in my tracks home, and a packet of walkers crisps just has to look at me, and i feel the need to run. My general awareness of food around me is ridiculous i realise, but i think the thought that i can't have it just makes it worse! My lecturerer today was talking about Tolkein, and i was thinking about bacon sandwiches.

So, onwards i go. I have posted a pic of last nights dinner (which also turned into my breakfast and lunch today). The rainbow-like array of beans actualy makes it look pretty appetising. But don't be fooled.


I am also newly armed with a can-opener donated to me by next-doors, after last nights battle with my old can-opener ended, during a war with a can of Asda's Mexican Bean mix, in it's death. RIP.


Check out this bizzarre american site, some interesting stats about the effects of climate change on food supplies around the world. Quite shocking that this site exists, there are people in the developed world who are seriously worried about their food supplies right now too. This article is literally telling us that we should be thinking of stocking up on emergenncy food supplies...also advertising copious amounts of products to buy in case of a food emergency!!  -----   .

However far-fetched a world food crisis may seem to those in the developed world while we're surrounded by supermarkets, takeaways and food products available to us at any time, what is perhaps inconcievable to us is that there is serious food shortages happening in the world RIGHT NOW. In Niger, soaring food prices due to poor harvests have led to half the population being left hungry. Here's a link to a channel 4 news report, very scary, very real.-----



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