Pinto beans day.

Today was Pinto beans day.....

I awoke this morning with a headache that served as evidence of last night's scandals with Kelly Jenkins, and a crazed appetite for food. Last night's galavants for Bonfire night had been fun, my resistance to freshly baked cookies (shaped like bats) at Dane and Amir's was outstanding ,and my dinner of rice that id packed in a lunch box for dinner had been......well,  bland as expected. But it was a great night finished off inevitably with Heebees.

Currently besides my bed lies the bowl from last nights green beans... which supposedly served as a substitute take-out in the early hours of the morn (ridiculously rubbish for any sobering/ anti-hangover remedy by the way). Yes, you may undoubtedly laugh at this now, but last night in my blurry state of greed, with the aroma of chips wafting from every crevice of liverpool city centre, this triumph was probably my proudest moment in the whole challenge!

So this morning, i confidently arose from my hangover bed, ready to take the beans by the horns and pretend they were some sort of greasy bacon sandwhich. I opened my cupboard to find The Pinto Beans, the last can beholding a realm of mystery and intrigue, as not once had this variey passed my lips before this morning. So, with a grumbling stomach, i started to cook them, the smell making me feel pretty nauseous from the start. And then i had my first spoonful and realised that i had just eaten the most evil beans in the world. On a scale of 1 to a disgusting, they were off the radar....i forced a couple of big spoonfuls down and could eat no more, and knowing that i didnt have time to cook rice (was a day of many missions, had to trace the steps of the night before to find my phone and kellys make-up bag....) i did without and had a very hungry day.

Have just had my dinner, and since i forgot to buy more beans from asda, and was too hungry to wait for rice to cook, i bought some plain rice from the chinese take-away. Admittedly, i put a splashing of soysauce on it,  and although it's not ideal, my hungover, hungry state needed a little drizzle of happiness. I will repent later.

As the week draws closer to the end, i have found the challenge has not been getting any easier. I never anticipated before i emarked on this crazed week of beans, what a massive part of my life food was! And as someone who enjoys food, but isnt susceptible to binging out or even having a great interest in things like chocolate and crisps (give or take the odd episode), i realise the choice of having these now seemingly luxurious items is what is really important. It has been a particularly challenging thing, the fact that food is everywhere i go, and is so obtainable where we live, that avoiding it is the thing that requires the most will power! When this is over, i will be so greatful of all the tasty things that i get to eat, and every bean i don't....


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