The £1 a day challenge: The food shop

The food shop itself was a rather harrowing experience - at first I went a bit overboard and had about £10 worth of food in the basket. SO then came the heartbreaking moment of replacing certain items on the shelves - logic won in the nutritional dilema of whether I should blow half the budget on cheese... I grudgingly bought vegetables instead.

I decided fairly early on that if there was going to one thing that I had to have during this week, then it was tea. As anyone who knows me will tell you, uncaffinated Anna is not a fun a experience. So tea is my luxury item for this week.

Items purchased:

- tea bags

- a bag of frozen veg

- 4 pints of milk

- bag of carrots

- 3 leeks

- bag of onions

- a cucumber

- box of muesli

- 1 kg of rice

And that is it. For a week.

The price of all these things came to £6.97 and there is still a little part of me that is eagerly on the look out for activities I can do/ things I buy for 3p! :)

The sad truth is that there are plenty of places in the world were people live on less than a £1 a day - and probably have to feed a family with this too! How can we let this happen?! I am doing this challenge this week out of solidarity for all those people (although I don't believe what I will experience will be anywhere near as hard as what they struggle with everyday) and I hope this will raise awareness and get people thinking...

More to come! :)


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  • Posted by:AnnaDaniell

My Challenge: Only £1 a day!

I am going to live on less than a pound a day for everything (including food!).

I think it’s so hugely unfair the kind of circumstances some people are forced to live in where they don't have enough money for even basic necessities such as food. Climate change is threatening the lives of millions around the world and I want to help raise awareness so that we can start to change this.

I live in Manchester and am going to ask my MP Tony Lloyd what he thinks about me doing this ... will he respond?

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  • Posted by:AnnaDaniell
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