
I didn't post yesterday because I was away for the weekend with the Officers' Training Corps - which could be described as the TA for students. I couldn't really do the challenge over there - we were eating from ration packs and I wasn't spending any money. I got back early this afternoon and rolled a tidy 4. So that covered my dinner easy. It got me thinking about how much money I actually need to get by. This week I have got by spending a lot less money than I do normally and I don't feel any worse for it. Infact, I feel good about it. That is something I will take with me from this experience.

This is the final day of the challenge and I thought I would feel really relieved but I'm actually a bit sad. The best thing about this whole task for me was the sense of community I felt. Knowing that there were about 100 people all doing similar things; going through the same difficulties, I felt a strong sense of unity. Equally, all the kind words of support, from people I see everyday to people I haven't seen in ages, have made the whole challenge much more rewarding than I could have imagined.

I would like to end this blog with a quote I came across on the internet:

“Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats. They can push things that come into their hands a little higher up, a little further on towards the heights of excellence.” 

I would like to set you a challenge: find something you care about, it doesn't have to be about poverty, and do something about it.

Thanks guys,


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Wahoo - I've been on the radio

Before you ask - No that isn't me its Chris Evans.

Today I rolled a 1 again which is a bit annoying. I have rolled two 1s now and no 6s. That brings my average down to £2.60 a day. My bike is really starting to annoy me. Since the 2nd puncture I haven't fixed it I just keep repumping it up every couple of miles. And the wheel has started to run against the frame so it's like riding everywhere with the brakes on. I'm just generally tired and undernourished. But at least I've been able to sleep in my bed - unlike Harriet Gendall who, along with me, did an interview on BBC Radio Merseyside this morning.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00bw2m7/Tony_Snell_in_the_Morning_05_11_2010/ The interview starts at 2.25.45 

Yeh it was good fun. I've never been on the radio before. I was expecting the place to be a hive on frenzied activity but there were only 4 people in the building and it was a relaxed atmosphere. I was absolutely bricking it before I went on but once I was live on air I was alright. It was alright on the night, in the morning.

Check out Harriet's blog - she made an interesting point about freedom of speech, poverty and censorship

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Standing on the edge



I rolled a 3 today.
Could have been worse. Bit of a glass half full/half empty situation. But it proved enought to get me through the day and cook for my housemates.
I cooked a veggie pasta bolognese - and it was quite tasty. Infact I'm quite proud of myself.
I've still not got round to fixing the puncture and I am getting bored of walking everywhere in the rain. It's refreshing - in a bad way.
Food is running low now. Its cornflakes without milk for breakfast and tea and coffee isnt the same without a dash of milk. No more bread so I skipped lunch because I had to save up for dinner. The average dice score sor far is 3. I'm still holding out for a 6.
They say fortune favours the brave. So I agreed to go and talk on BBC radio Merseyside tomorrow morning about the challenge. So wish me luck.

I rolled a 3 today.

Could have been worse. Bit of a glass half full/half empty situation. But it proved enough to get me through the day and cook for my housemates. I cooked a veggie pasta bolognese - and it was quite tasty. Infact I'm quite proud of myself. I've still not got round to fixing the puncture and I am getting bored of walking everywhere in the rain. It's refreshing - in a bad way. Food is running low now. Its cornflakes without milk for breakfast and tea and coffee isnt the same without a dash of milk. Hahaha. (ironic laugh)

No more bread so I skipped lunch because I had to save up for dinner. The average dice score so far is 3. I'm still holding out for a 6. They say fortune favours the brave. So I agreed to go and talk on BBC radio Merseyside tomorrow morning (8.20) about the challenge. So wish me luck!!


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Day 3 - Keep on rollin'




Nooooo. I rolled a 1 today.

And what a terrible day its been. Without money for public transport I decided it was time to fix that puncture on my bike.


I didn't have any food in the cupboards at home and I was running late so I cycled in without making any food. I got really hungry at lunchtime from all the extra exertion and stupidly blew my 1 pound on a Greggs pie. Silly I know. I should have invested that pound in a loaf of bread. But no I wasted it on a pie.


Now its quater to 4 and its pouring it down outside, its going dark and I just checked my bike and the tyre is flat again. I didn't bring a coat either. No money for the bus - so I'm walking home.


I've got to cook for my whole house tomorrow so for their sake I hope its not another 1.


Today I've learned a valuable lesson from today's mini-disaster: I need to plan ahead for when times get hard.


Oxfam supports governments in making disaster preparedness plans in countries like the Philippines which are vulnerable to climate change: http://www.ipsnews.org/news.asp?idnews=48718

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  • Posted by:ChristopherKennedy

Day 1


I rolled a 4 this morning! That was a big relief.
I was worried that I was going to roll one consecutively for a week.
So £4. Its not too bad. Enough to get the bus all the way to uni and back.
For brekfast I had toast. For lunch i had a nutella sandwich. Yum.
That was nearly all the remains of last weeks loaf of bread.
I've got 4 slices left.
I'm going to have to go shopping soon. :(
In my house we take it in turns to cook on weekdays.
So I didn't go hungry at dinner.
But at some point I have to cook for everyone.
So I'm hoping for a six on that day otherwise...i don't even know what I could cook for 4 people with 1 pound but i do know that it would probably be disgusting.


I rolled a 4 this morning! That was a big relief. I was worried that I was going to roll one consecutively for a week.

So £4. Its not too bad. Enough to get the bus all the way to uni and back.

For brekfast I had toast. For lunch i had a nutella sandwich. Yum.

That was nearly all the remains of last weeks loaf of bread. I've got 4 slices left. I'm going to have to go shopping soon  :(

In my house we take it in turns to cook on weekdays. So I didn't go hungry at dinner. But at some point I have to cook for everyone. I'm hoping for a six on that day otherwise...i don't even know what I could cook for 4 people with 1 pound but i do know that it probably wouldn't be very tasty.

Its not nice not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

Find out how Oxfam are helping create sustainable livelihoods for families in Liberia: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/resources/countries/liberia.html

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  • Posted by:ChristopherKennedy
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