In which I reveal I am really relatively pathetic...

So, how am I coping without the comfort of heating and the luxury of a bed? Until now, I thought ok. The floor isn’t THAT uncomfortable and fortunately the weather’s not too bad. After a 13 hour stint in the library, however, the thought of lying on the floor really isn’t that appealing. The fact that I cannot for the life of me work out how to add to my blog would also seem to suggest that the lack of sleep is obviously getting to me, or I have experienced some kind of freezing of the brain. I’ve been thinking about it for a good 15 minutes and there has still been no Eureka moment. Oh dear.

What would I be like if I had to work a 14-16 hour day of hard graft as many women in the developing world do? How would I cope if I the lives of my family literally rested on my ability to perform my daily tasks to a high standard on such little rest? I’ll leave you to decide....

P.S. After a further 10 minutes of trying to figure it out, I have now noticed the rather large, obvious ‘Login’ button in the corner. I’ll say no more.  

on  04 November 2010  at  22:14

I hope you got your essay in ok and that the floor isnt too uncomfortable!

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on  16 January 2011  at  22:02

This is a good,common sense article.Very helpful to one who is just finding the resouces about this part.It will certainly help educate me.
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on  26 January 2011  at  12:12

Thank. It makes me feel great when I read all these stories. It helps me from hopelessness and make me more stronger to fly… thank… for everything. Love
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