Dia Tres.

The support that I've been receiving through both comments and donations is incredible! So I'd like to thank everybody who has contributed in some way. It is so encouraging and very much appreciated.The power of the internet is mighty impressive considering how far word of this challenge has spread in only 3 days...it just goes to show the potential we possess to really make a difference...

So on to day 3.

Contrary to what I had thought prior to beginning the challenge, I am actually finding it harder as the days go on. There is no point in complaining, I just have to get on with it. But walking home tonight, choosing every step carefully I felt as though my soul was being drained. It is physically but also and perhaps more importantly, mentally debilitating to live without shoes.

I have always thought of shoes in terms of fashion and style (and I am sure I'm not alone in that) Let's put it like this, although I am far from being a shoe obsessed girl as stereotyped on TV and films, I would say I definitely own a good 10 pairs. Now I see them for what they essentially are - protection for your feet and I realise the difference they make, regardless of style or brand. 

For me poverty means living without even the most basic of means.

Speaking of simple things making a big impact, I'm including a link to Oxfam's information about the proposed Robin Hood Tax for everyone to consider...

I'll sign off now with a couple of pictures from my third day of the challenge (check out the sign!)




on  04 November 2010  at  00:28

This is such a good challenge!! Hope your poor feet stand the week...forgive the pun! ill be keeping a look out for any barefooted student walking around the campus :)

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