Day 1

Waking up to rice and beans was not so appetizing especially before going to college! As the rest of my family had a wide range of choice for breakfast it made me realize how little choice there is for people who are living in poverty. There is no one or the other it is just as it is for them and it is sad because they should be able to have that choice just as we take for granted. I don't know how I will cope for the rest of the week, I know my mum will get sick of me moaning though.

I explained to my college friends what I am doing they were fully supportive and wanted to learn more about it. So if I did bring in rice and beans in a tub they wouldn't find me as strange well no more than they usually do.

Coming home after an hour and a half on the bus in the rain was depressing. The one thing I look forward to is something comforting to eat in this cold weather but seeing as though I wanted to do it to the T.  I didn't want to add anything to it for taste because I doubt that people in poverty would have extra ingredients other than salt to add. It wasn't too bad though but I knew by the end of the week I would probably crack.

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  • Posted by:MursaleenQadir

My challenge: Rice, beans and water

I am going to eat just rice and beans and drink only water for the week.

There are billions of people living in poverty around the world so this challenge is a message to those who can help to open their eyes and get involved; the more people that get involved the closer to ending poverty we can get. I am choosing to eat just rice and beans for a week because for those living in poverty it is normally the cheapest food option.

I live in Manchester and will be asking my MP Graham Stringer what he thinks about my challenge?

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  • Posted by:MursaleenQadir
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