Days 6 & 7 – So What Does Poverty Really Mean to Me?

Whilst the Poverty Challenge has certainly been 'a challenge' for me, I am extremely happy that I have helped to raise awareness of important issues such as the removal of freedom of speech amongst colleagues, family, friends and everyone who has taken the time to read my blogs!

Writing these blogs has been very cathartic for me as they have allowed me to let everyone know my thoughts and feelings without breaking the rules! I am really looking forward to being myself again but I do feel for those who do not have the opportunity to experience the simplest things in life, like being able to express an opinion.

The challenge has actually enabled me to further develop skills like having the ability to remain diplomatic in difficult situations. This is definitely a skill that I will continue to develop and apply in the future.

The challenge has also been educational too in that I have also learnt that poverty can manifest itself in a number of guises. When asked ‘What Does Poverty Mean to Me?’ I will not only think of obvious concerns such as lack of food, water and education (which are still very important issues) but I will also be thinking of those who have not so obvious human rights taken away from them too…  

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Days 4 & 5 - I have decided to just shut up!

I have figured out how to stop slipping up and expressing an opinion by accident – Just shut up!

By keeping quiet, getting my head down and occupying myself completing work I can avoid situations where I feel the strong need to say what’s on my mind… I can keep this up for the next few days (Maybe?!), but just imagine having to live like this for the foreseeable future? (I’m not sure I could cope!)

I think that the only way others around the World could actually live their lives without freedom of speech is to stay silent too…

The problem with this is I feel that staying silent only contributes towards the problem of removal of freedom of speech.

I believe that’s how the problem spreads and continues to be enforced on large numbers of people for long periods of time.

This is why I feel that it is very important for those of us in fortunate positions to speak up for those who do live in poverty as quite often we are the only voice they have…

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Days 2 & 3 - Fighting for a Voice...

Days 2 and 3 have been particularly challenging for me!

I have realised that without having the ability to voice an opinion I have been less able to form new relationships, take part fully in discussions and even offer advice to friends :-( I feel very restricted and don’t feel that any new people I meet are gaining a full understanding of my personality. Is this how other people who can’t voice their opinions around the world are feeling too?

Because of the difficulties I have experienced during the short time I have undertaken this challenge, I now realise why so many people have fought throughout the centuries for freedom of speech.

Now more than ever I think we should all act to support those activities that give vulnerable people a voice. This Poverty Challenge in addition to other campaigns such as Fair Deal and Robin Hood Tax are great ways to highlight issues of poverty and deprivation to those in power who can really make a difference…

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  • Posted by:NaomiDavey

Day 1 - There’s much more to this challenge than I realised...

Hello Poverty Challenge supporters!

Yesterday was the first day of my challenge. My challenge as not to voice any opinion for 1 week to highlight that fact that so many people around the world do not have freedom of speech. I knew that this would be a challenge for me as I feel very comfortable expressing my feelings and often voice my opinions on a range issues.

The thing that I didn’t realise is that an opinion can be voiced many trivial issues and I have found that I have been expressing an opinion without realising!

For example my housemate drank some out of date milk and I innocently pulled a face – He correctly pointed out that I was expressing an opinion just by using facial expressions! I’ll have to really think about my reactions to issues this week especially non verbal reactions...

I am so glad that I have chosen undertake this particular challenge. Like many people I admit that I have taken freedom of speech for granted and now that this freedom has been removed I am able to really appreciate how those people without the luxury of being able to voice an opinion must survive.

I have volunteered to complete this challenge but I wonder how others who do not have a choice cope?

I know I will definitely appreciate the freedom of speech I have once this challenge is over...

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  • Posted by:NaomiDavey

I won't speak, I won't see, I won't listen....

...which is pretty much what not expressing any opinions for one week (Except for work and the Poverty Challenge blog) means!

 I chose this challenge because I feel that this would be the most difficult challenge for me to maintain.  I cherish the freedom of speech we enjoy in this country-  far too many people around the world cannot exercise their right to have a voice.

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  • Posted by:NaomiDavey
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